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Coffee enemas for glutathione activation, parasite cleansing and detox purposes
The benefits are ENDLESS!
The main purpose of a coffee enema is NOT to clean your colon (although it does that). The purpose is to stimulate the liver to: A) help clear out toxins and B) to stimulate glutathione production)
Your blood moves through your entire body every 7 minutes: through every organ, capillary, cell.
The caffeinated coffee enters your rectum and colon.
As your blood makes its way around your body, it picks up the coffee and washes it through the liver. The veins from the rectum and anus drain mostly into the portal vein, which leads to the liver, and then into the general circulation.
The goal is to hold the enema for 15 minutes so you get at least two complete cycles through the liver.
The caffeine stimulates the liver to push out bile which carries the toxins from your liver to your colon and out of the body with your feces.
Boom, detox.
Remember, your liver is collecting all the toxins. And, if you are sick, it’s believed to be because your detox pathways are not at full operating capacity… or perhaps you wouldn’t be sick, right?
So, how do coffee enemas work? According to pharmacist Suzy Cohen, “As the coffee is retained in your bowel, the fluid goes through your intestinal wall, through the portal vein to your liver. The stimulating effects and healing compounds of coffee jumpstart your liver and gallbladder. Bile flows. There are compounds in coffee like kahweol and cafestol which spark production of glutathione, and that is a strong cleansing compound in your body, one that consumers pay good money for when they buy glutathione as a dietary supplement or get IV injections of it. To make more glutathione naturally by using a coffee enema is awesome.”
Coffee Enema Recipe
1 qt of filtered water (distilled is best because it’s cleanest)
-3 Tbsp organic ground caffeinated coffee — if you have caffeine jitters afterwards, you can start with 1 Tbsp and work your way up to 3. Decaf won’t work — the caffeine is what stimulates the liver.
-Hydrogen Peroxide (h2o2) (to clean equipment)
-Lube — coconut oil works great, it’s antibacterial and slippery