Evangelia Vensel

Jun 28, 20202 min

The ability to get vulnerable.

What is the power of vulnerability? In order to fully embrace our greatness, we must be willing to be vulnerable, too.

All too often, we are either raised, brought up, or taught to believe that being vulnerable is a weakness. We think being vulnerable makes us look dumb or foolish and we fear that if we get vulnerable with another person, we could get hurt and never really recover.

The truth is that vulnerability isn't weak at all. Its brave. It take guts.

When I began detoxing my judgments, I realized how much effort we put into hiding our vulnerability, but it's our vulnerability that truly heals us. When we feel safe enough to share and expose our shadows, thats when we become free. That's how we free our wounded spirits. We don't have to hide or protect our shadows anymore.

We can begin to break the barriers that separate us from real, authentic, fearless love. I know what it feels like to hide my vulnerability, and also how scary it can feel to be willing to surrender and share it.

The truth is, we can begin to take apart and breakaway from the things that separate us from real, authentic, and fearless love. This helps us awaken our own spirit and step into our power!

Becoming vulnerable can be like a gift we give others because it lets them see us for who we really are. It lets us be authentic and truthful, which in turn allows us to create genuine connections and deepen our relationships. This is how we share our light and awaken our spirit. This is how we help heal the world.

When we are willing to be brave enough to expose our truth, we give others permission to do the same. In those moments of sharing our own authentic expression, we release all the pretenses we’ve built up and let people in on who we really are. This is how we take our power back. This is how we own it and fall in love with our authentic, beautiful selves.

Being willing to be vulnerable allows us to show up more fully in the world. Your authentic truth is your magnificence. Your willingness to let the world see you in your light and your truth is your greatest contribution you can give to the world.

When we hide from our authentic self and our truth, we let the world and others dull our shine. When our light is dimmed we lose our power. So my message today to whoever is reading this is, get vulnerable, take your power back. Own your authentic self!
